Chelsea B Foster | Holistic Business Coach for overwhelmed and struggling female entrepreneurs

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How to Know If a Membership Is Right For You

(And When It’s Not)

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It seems like everyone has a membership community these days. And for good reason! Memberships can be hugely beneficial and they give you access to an expert at a much lower price point than working with them 1:1.

While I'm a huge fan of them, I've also been burned by several memberships. And looking back, there were some red-flags before I signed up that should have been a clue that it wasn't going to be a good fit for me.

So let's look at some ways to know when a membership is and isn't a good fit.

5 Ways to Know If a Membership Is Right For You


This is true for anything in business. Know your goal! Why are you joining? What do you hope to get out of it? Are you joining to learn a new skill, to meet more people, to have some accountability? Whatever your reason for wanting to join - take time to think about it and even write it down.

Now that you have your goal written, I'll challenge you to make sure that goal is in alignment with your bigger goals for your business. Will joining help you move forward and create that dream you've got in your head?

If it does - AWESOME! Move on to question 2.

RED FLAG | FOMO - You are joining because you feel like you'll miss out.

Never, I repeat, NEVER sign up for something only because you don't want to miss it. FOMO is a strong motivator, but usually not a good one. This will inevitably lead to you feeling like you wasted your time & money on a service you don't need right now. I promise, that when the time is right for you to join, the doors will be open again and you'll have a clear goal in mind for joining that is aligned with your bigger picture.


What is the focus of the membership? Is it to teach you a skill, facilitate a community, provide accountability, etc.? Knowing what the membership is all about (and what's included) is vital to making a good decision on joining or not. Do your research - read the full sales page, read the FAQs, ask the organizer questions, ask other members questions. Make sure you know exactly what you'll be getting.

And then ask yourself - Does this align with my personal goal? Will I use most or all of the pieces of the membership?

If it does, great! Move on to question 3.

RED FLAG | You can't really tell what you'll get inside the membership

This is a huge red flag! Vague details (or no details at all) are a clear indicator that the creator/organizer isn't focused enough with the group. And how can you tell if it'll be a good fit if you don't know what you'll be getting?! Sure, there are times when some vagueness is okay. But for the most part, you'll want to see clear definition of what's included with your membership.


If you've been following this person for a while and love pretty much everything they do, this is a good indicator that you'll love the membership too!

RED FLAG | You've never heard of this person before you found the membership

I'm not saying this is always a bad thing - sometimes we do find a new service just when we need it - but on the whole, it's usually best to have tested out the organizer prior to joining. If they are totally new to you and you still think this membership could be a good fit, head to their website and download some freebies. Look at past trainings. Do a little light stalking on social media. Get to know them, their style, and what they are all about before you press the "join" button.


If current members are loving it so much that they are talking about it, there's a good chance you'll love it too! But to be sure, listen closely to these testimonials - what are they loving? what features are they utilizing most? why would they recommend joining?

If you like what you hear and it aligns with your bigger goals, the membership is probably a good fit!

RED FLAG | No testimonials

If there's no social proof, or very little social proof, this could be a sign that the membership hasn't been fully fleshed out yet or that members aren't fully loving it. On the flip side, it could also mean that the organizer is less than organized and hasn't asked for testimonials. Either way, it could be a red flag that the membership might not be a good fit.


If you are excited to get started and ready to jump in, that's a good sign you'll love being a member!

RED FLAG | You're feeling wishy-washy or can't decide for sure

Anytime you are feeling resistance, it's a good idea to ask yourself why. Is it because this isn't right for you right now? Or is it because of the investment? Or is it something else? Figure out why you are still on the fence.

If the investment seems a little scary, but everything else feels right, you probably just need to work on your money mindset and investing in yourself and the future of your business is a great first step. Don't let that hold you back!

If it's for any other reason, you probably shouldn't join. That's your subconscious sending you warnings that this isn't a good fit for you right now.

There ya have it. 5 ways to tell if a membership is going to be a good fit for you + 5 red flags to look out for!

If you see any of those red flags, you should probably take a step back and evaluate if this membership is really right for you right now.

If you've got a clear goal for joining, the membership meets that goal, you love the organizer, it's got raving members, and you're excited about it, the membership could definitely be a good fit for you!

Looking for a great membership community?

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